40 LEGITIMACY VERSUS INDUSTRIALISM between the said governments or between their subjects will be that of rendering reciprocal service; to display to one another, by an unalterable good-will, the mutual affection with which each should be animated; to regard one another without excep- tion as members of one and the same Christian nationality; the three allied princes themselves only considering themselves as delegated by Providence to govern three branches of one and the same family, to wit: Austria, Prussia., Russia; thus confessing that the Christian nation of which they and their people form a part has really no other sovereign than Him to whom alone supreme power belongs, because in Him alone are contained all the treasures of love, of knowledge, and of infinite wisdom, that is to say in God, our divine Saviour Jesus Christ, the incarnate Word* Their Majesties consequently recommend to their people with the most earnest solicitude, as being the only means of enjoying that peace that is born of a good conscience, and which alone is lasting, daily to fortify themselves more and more in the principles and practice of those duties which our divine Saviour imposed on mankind. Art. III. All the Powers that may wish solemnly to avow the sacred principles by which this act is inspired, and that recognize how important it is to the happiness of nations so long distracted that in future these truths should exercise their due influence over the destinies of man, will be received with much ardour and affection into this Holy Alliance. Signed in Paris in the year of grace 1815 the 14 (26) September. (Signed) Francois. Frederic-GuOlaume. Alexandre. The other sovereigns and statesmen had no very high opinion of the Holy Alliance. It was decided that, while the affairs of Europe should still be regulated by the Four-Power Alliance inaugurated at Chaumont, Louis XVTTI should be allowed to join the Holy Alliance, since its significance was religious and not of this world. Mettemich's view, as he told Castlereagh, was that Alexander's mind was affected; me Emperor Francis, taking this view, thought it wiser to humour him by signing. The British